Hey y’all, I’m moving.
After today, I’m moving my little collection of reviews, fiction, and pop culture commentary from its home here at Substack over to our new home at Ghost. You can visit our new place by clicking here.
As I’ve mentioned other places, if you’re already subscribed to my site, whether it’s a free subscription or a paid one, nothing should change for you. All your info has been transferred over there, and it’s all pretty much ready to go. The only thing you’ll need to do is to keep an eye out for the email from the new site. I’ll be sending the first one out not long after I send out this one, so if a couple of hours pass after you received this email, and you still haven’t seen one from the new site, check your spam folder. This first email from the new site is pretty much the final step for setting everything up over there, so if it’s not in your spam, or you just don’t get it at all, let me know.
You’ll know when you get it, because it will be about the 300th Post.
For the rest of you, if you have yet to subscribe, then the good news is… now is the perfect time to make that change. Whether you decide to subscribe for free, or maybe you decide that you would like to kick me a few bucks, either way, you can do that by clicking here.
But why, Jon? Why are you moving hosting site… is what I’m sure you’re asking.
It’s been a long time coming, really, and it’s something I’ve talked about before, but I’ll go into it more over at the new site. The short version is… it’s been swell, but now the swelling has gone down, so that’s it.
Hopefully I’ll see you over at the new site.